
Product Development Update — June 2023

Find out what the Arkis technical team worked on in June.

June saw successful product development from our Backend, Blockchain, and UI/UX & Frontend teams. This month was dedicated to refactoring the current code base, improving our infrastructure, and creating smart contracts for opening margin accounts. We’re on track for testnet launch in October 2023.


  • ✅ Deployed local blockchain node used to test smart contracts interactions with our backend servers.
  • ✅ Refactored current code base.
  • ✅ Implemented linear interest rate accrue endpoint (Interest accrued = APY / (365- n days since credit has been taken).
  • ✅ Finished AWS set-up for dev environments.
  • Started user-testing by our internal trading team of Risk-Factor and Stress-Tested Portfolio Value calculation endpoints.


  • ✅ Finished open Margin Account functionality implementation (with ERC20 tokens for now only).
  • ✅ Refined architecture. Now, Margin Account open relies on a signature generated by the backend with initial Risk Factor calculation.
  • Progressed on Margin Account Factory development.

UI/UX & Frontend:

  • ✅ Implemented APY matrix page where users can see available APYs across tokens and chains.
  • Proceeded with rebranding and generating new design assets (some news to be announced soon!).

Be the first to hear about live product development updates on our social platforms (linked below) and our biweekly newsletter. Targeted testnet launch is only 3 months away, and we aim to make our first transaction soon.

We look forward to continuing to build in public.

About Arkis

Arkis — DeFi Prime Broker offers multichain, undercollateralized leverage powered by portfolio margin. Author Oleksandr Proskurin is the Co-founder and Chief Product Officer.

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