
Product Development Update — May 2023

Find out what the Arkis technical team worked on in May.

Arkis’s Product team is full-steam ahead towards an expected test-net launch around October 2023. During the month of May, our Backend and Blockchain teams were able to send the first liquidation instructions to a local node blockchain smart contract to liquidate traders’ positions. Secondly, our engineers generated stress-tested portfolio values for the Uniswap V3 position for one of our wallets.


  • ✅ Integration of Curve and Convex protocols whitelisting
  • ✅ Token stress-tested scenario analysis API endpoints.
  • ✅ Stress-testing endpoint for Uniswap V3.
  • ✅ Liquidation routing action list generation for Curve, Convex, Uniswap V3, and tokens.
  • ✅ Formalized the architecture and decision process for the Risk Factor and Liquidation signal.
  • ✅ Created Ethereum wallets with test-case positions to battle-test Margin Engine.


  • ✅ Finished governance system architecture design.
  • Started architecture merge with backend into a single process and decision flow.
  • Started AAVE protocol integration.

UI/UX, Frontend

  • ✅ Design and implementation of supply tokens flow.
  • ✅ Design of multi-collateral borrow flow (meaning a user can use any whitelisted tokens as collateral).

Over the next few months, the Product team is aiming to create proper code refactoring of our Margin Engine and undergo more integration tests of its functionality. In the meantime, our blockchain team will be busy integrating AAVE and 1inch protocols into Arkis Protocol. Finally, our Design and Frontend team will continue the development of borrow flow.

We’re excited about the future, and we’ll continue building in public.

About Arkis

Arkis — DeFi Prime Broker offers multichain, undercollateralized leverage powered by portfolio margin. Author Oleksandr Proskurin is the Co-founder and Chief Product Officer.

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